Business Modernization

Modern Marketing: The Role of Digital Transformation

We’ve seen how technology has helped companies and organizations in almost all aspects of their business, from finance, operations, to production. But one key function is currently being transformed by technology and innovation: marketing. Tech gives both small and large brands the power to have better connectivity, visibility, and reputation in the market.

With this strategic and advanced tool, businesses can have a better chance of staying on top of the completion and boost their overall efficiency. Some of the major types of marketing technology include analytics, advertising, social media, content management, and customer relationship management. Let’s now discuss how technology is transforming the marketing field in detail.

1. Unique and personalized content

One of the most obvious impacts of digital transformation in modern marketing is the ability to deliver personalized content to their audience. Marketers or brands can now easily track the behavior and actions of their target customers at an individual level using the combination of interactivity and metrics.

With this, brands can provide marketing responses tailored to their customers’ interests, needs, and purchasing behavior. This also means making specialized recommendations. It also means that customized emails can be done with no hassle.

According to several studies, content personalization can boost consumer engagement as consumers expect businesses to anticipate their needs and provide them with relevant recommendations.

2. Workflow automation

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Among the basic features of any business tech software today is automation. Obviously, it offers a streamlined workflow for brands to increase conversions and boost employee productivity. From a marketing point of view, automation in a workflow helps efficiently run and control complex tasks with little to no manual effort. Such tech feature is also effective for delivering seamless customer engagement and even reaching a highly segmented audience.

For businesses or B2C marketers getting started with marketing automation, it’s best to focus first on simple recurring campaigns. These include re-engagement correspondence, automated response emails, and even welcome programs. Other repetitive marketing tasks that can benefit from automation include tracking website interactions, maintaining social media, as well as creating the actual campaigns.

3. Omnichannel experiences

Another remarkable impact of digital technology on marketing is providing customers with omnichannel experience. This is basically made up of different customer touch points with the support of multiple channels, delivering seamless customer engagement. Apart from streamlined customer service, omnichannel solutions are also beneficial for improving business performance and creating personalized interactions. Two of the common channels used to provide this single unified customer journey include chatbots and smartphones.

For selling products and services, channels such as websites, pop-up markets and shops, and social media are primarily utilized. This approach can significantly impact conversions and convenience, allowing businesses to leverage their marketing strategy and, of course, get more desirable results.

4. Quality and actionable data

Before, traditional marketers lacked one crucial component to make better decisions: top quality and actionable data. For instance, having a product commercial on TV or posters on the subway station is not an accurate strategy to equip marketing content with effectiveness. Just think about how many people saw the TV commercial or subway poster and go straight to the store to buy the product.

Digital technology offers more reliable platforms and solutions to improve your marketing efforts. Even companies offering PR services for medical aesthetics and the healthcare industry use marketing technology to provide accurate campaign analytics and measurements to their clients.

Marketers can now have access to more accurate metrics, from how consumers interact with their pages or how much time they spend on them. With such data, a marketer can make better decisions in planning and launching their campaigns. For instance, machine learning is ideal for determining customer project value, as well as qualifying leads.

5. Interactivity

Interactive marketing is another amazing product of digital transformation in the marketing field. This customer-centric approach focuses on the actions of the targets, from purchasing preferences and behaviors, to meet their demands and expectations. Some well-known examples of interactive marketing campaigns include online giveaways and contests, polls and surveys, email marketing, and personalized content through the form of instructive videos.

With this advancement in marketing technology, businesses can now carry out two-way interactions, scalable marketing messages, and fun and relevant interactive content for their target audience.

With the advancements in technology, marketers can now easily launch campaigns that are of top quality and guaranteed to appeal to the audience. From producing creative website content to interactively connecting to customers, you can provide the best customer experience as you establish your brand in the market. If your business is not yet taking advantage of these marketing tech perks, now’s the perfect time to do so.

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